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New Paper: New Journal of Physics

Quantum speed limits in phase space

Geometric quantum speed limits: a case for Wigner phase space

Sebastian Deffner
New J. Phys. 19, 103018 (2017)
The quantum speed limit is a fundamental upper bound on the speed of quantum evolution. However, the actual mathematical expression of this fundamental limit depends on the choice of a measure of distinguishability of quantum states. We show that quantum speed limits are qualitatively governed by the Schatten-p-norm of the generator of quantum dynamics. Since computing Schatten-p-norms can be mathematically involved, we then develop an alternative approach in Wigner phase space. We find that the quantum speed limit in Wigner space is fully equivalent to expressions in density operator space, but that the new bound is significantly easier to compute. Our results are illustrated for the parametric harmonic oscillator and for quantum Brownian motion.

Posted: October 23, 2017, 8:07 AM